Friday, May 27, 2016

Pasang Lamu Sherpa

The first Nepalese lady mountineer to scale the best top of the world in April, 1993, was Pasang Lhamu Sherpa. Born 10 Gregorian calendar month 1961 Sukre was Sherpa associate example of heroic and decisive Nepali lady. Before she was just a lady hilltop.
She tryed to scale the mountain top three times before she finally succeeded on his fourth try. She had also successfully climbed Mount Pisang (6091m) in Nepal in 1989. In 1990 she became the first woman mountaineer to climb the famous Mt. Blank (4848m) in France. The same year, she made the first attempt to climb Mt. Everest (8848m) managed to reach only 8000m. In 1991, she scaled Yala Peak (5800) and tried to scale the mountain top for the second and third time, however, only reached the 8750m and 8500m, respectively. Since 1993, she made her thriving attempt to scale the mountain with four others, Sonam Tshering Sherpa, Lhakpa Noru Sherpa, Pemba Dorje Asian and Dawa Tashi Sherpa. But under the tight she lost her life because of the inclemency conditions.
She had received many awards and recognition from the government to achieve what no option Nepalese women had achieved. She was the first woman to be declared as the Kingdom of Nepal Star or 'Rastriya Bibhuti "by the late King Birendra. National Youth Foundation bestowed her with the 1993-1994 Youth Excellence Award. The government renamed Jasamba Himal (7,315m) in Mahalangur Range PasangLhamu Peak , the 117km Trisuli-Dunche road was renamed as Pasang Lhamu Highway. Stamps issued with her photograph, in her honor, even Pasang Lhamu Memorial Hall constucted in Dhulabari of Jhapa district. Similarly, her life-size statue was erected at the Boudha, Chuchepati in Kathmandu to celebrate her achievement conjointly the} Ministry of agriculture which is also called a special strain of wheat that Pasang Lhamu wheat.
Her plans to use his success in alleviating the pain and suffering of her people continue to be alive and deal in the kind of Pasang Lhamu climb Foundation, founded in 1993 as a nonprofit, social, national organization with a goal to educate and train Nepalese women to protect their rights and interests and provide them medical facilities, legal arrangements and social security.

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